Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Bluetooth based home automation system using android phone

3.3V TX output of HC-05 is directly connected to the RX input of PIC microcontroller. As 3.3V will be taken as LOGIC HIGH as per 5V TTL specifications. The Bluetooth module used in this project is HC-05 Linvor Bluetooth module. It is an easy- to-use Bluetooth serial port protocol module, designed for a transparent wireless serial connection set-up. The module has 34 PINS for configuration/interfacing of Bluetooth module with microcontrollers.

applications of home automation using bluetooth

The LCD will also display the current state of the three bulbs. The proposed system has two main parts hardware and software. The hardware part consists of three main hardware components smartphone, Arduino board and Bluetooth module.

Updating Sensor Data to Google Spreadsheet using ESP8266 – IoT Project

2 transistors are added for logic level conversion… bluetooth module is 3.3V logic while PIC is 5V….. We are using an Android application named “Bluetooth Terminal” which can be easily found on Google Play Store and installed on the phone. Bluetooth module works on 3.3v only for which another power supply section has to be made. For this I have used LM317 voltage regulator which can provide output ranging from 1.2v to 36v. My answer would be simple because I am way too lazy and want to control things sitting at one place.

applications of home automation using bluetooth

Knowing which one would best fit your needs is even more challenging. That’s why WHICHHOMEAUTOMATION.COM offers expert-led in-depth reviews of currently available home automation systems. Jennifer Halstead, MBA, CPA brings more than 20 years financial industry experience to Link Labs. She began her career in finance within the pharmaceutical industry and has continued in both public accounting and private companies. She passed the CPA exam with the 3rd highest score in the state and completed her MBA with an accounting concentration . Jennifer has worked with several software companies and has led multiple venture financing, merger and acquisitions deals.

thoughts on “Arduino based Home Automation using Bluetooth”

It measure the distance of water level from the top of water tank and gives its report on smartphone application using Bluetooth technology. The proposed home automation system contains three hardware components smartphone, Arduino board and Bluetooth module. Smartphone is used to communicate with Arduino board using a smartphone application and Bluetooth technology. In this research work Bluetooth module HC 05 and Arduino Uno are used for hardware implementation.

applications of home automation using bluetooth

The client module can communicate with host controller through a wireless device such as Bluetooth. Serial port Bluetooth module have a Bluetooth 2.0+EDR , 3Mbps modulation with complete 2.4GHZ radio transceiver and baseband. Using Bluetooth profile and android platform architecture different type of Bluetooth applications can be developed. Generally in today’s modern world human beings are addicted to using modern equipment. So here we can perform home automation by using an Android App and Bluetooth as a wireless communication medium. Home automation not only refers to reduce human efforts but also energy efficiency and time saving.

Security Systems: Knock, Knock…

In another research work, XBee based home automation system introduced for handicapped and elderly people. XBee transceivers was used for wireless communication between the master control panel board and the remote control device. Of technologies influence us to use smartphones to remotely control the home appliances. An automated devices has ability to work with versatility, diligence and with lowest error rate. The idea of home automation system is a significant issue for Researchers and home appliances companies. Automation system not only helps to decrease the human labor but it also saves time and energy.

applications of home automation using bluetooth

Refer to the schematic diagram to have a clearer idea of the connections. We have a dedicated tutorial regarding interfacing 16×2 LCD display with Arduino with some example sketches. Have a look at it before proceeding further for a better understanding of the LCD. We will require the following components for this project.

Bluetooth Smart, or Bluetooth Low Energy , is a energy efficient version of Bluetooth wireless technology often seen in smartphones, and ideal for use with a headset. Though its range is limited, its energy usage is quite low. Its energy efficiency, combined with its compatibility with existing smartphones and other devices, makes it easy for developers and OEMs to create solutions that can immediately be added to existing systems. Inside the infinite loop() we first check if serial data is available in the buffer. If data is found then the characters are added one by one to the array ‘inSerial’ using a while loop.

6) Output devices – For the demo purpose, we connected 2 DC devices to 2 relays . You can connect any AC/DC devices to the remaining 3 relays. The system will provide real-time notification if your security cameras detect anything unusual or if someone activates the motion sensors while you are away. The application of the home automation system may even go beyond notifying you and notifying authorities in real-time.

Digital Thermometer using PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor

And to work with GSM, AT commands shall be used, which have to programmed in the micro-controller. Remember to use a potential divider circuit which steps down the 5v serial output from the micro-controller to 3.3v for the bluetooth module. In this project, we will learn how to use On-chip bluetooth of ESP32 board via an android application board and build a home automation project around it. A low cost and wireless controlled automation system was designed by researchers.

applications of home automation using bluetooth

First install the app, it will automatically ask permission to switch on the Bluetooth of mobile phone and connect that to Bluetooth module HC 05 which located with appliance controlling part. Home Automation using Bluetooth and Mobile App – Circuit DiagramHope you can easily understand the circuit. 7812 for providing 12V supply for the operation of relays and 7805 for the operation of the rest of the circuit. HC-05 is operating at 3.3V, but the module which we are using here is having built in 3.3V regulator. R11 (4.7K) and R12 are used to reduce the 5V TX output of PIC microcontroller to 3.3V as HC-05 module inputs are not 5V tolerant.

Code of Android-based home automation system

The communication is done one by one at one time in both direction between the android mobile phone and Bluetooth module. This article describes the implementation of a Bluetooth technology and an android application with voice prompts based home-automated system using an Arduino microcontroller. The system is aimed at designing an automated appliance control that is user-friendly and convenient to use. The design comprised an Arduino ATMEGA328 microcontroller board, Bluetooth module (HC-06), and an android application . The Arduino controls any connected component and was programmed with C++ programming language by using Integrated Development Environment . Relays and Triacs are used for the switching mechanism.

applications of home automation using bluetooth

These relays can be connected to different electronic devices. As per the block diagram, Device 1 – Buzzer, Device 2- Fan, Device 3 – Lights. Nowadays, we have remote controls for our television sets and other electronic systems, which have made our lives really easy. Have you ever wondered about home automation which would give the facility of controlling tube lights, fans and other electrical appliances at home using a remote control?

A relay can be used to control high voltage electronic devices such as motors as well as low voltageelectronic devicessuch as alight bulbor a fan. The Arduino board receives the user commands in the form of numbers from the smart phone through Bluetooth interface. These numbers are assigned to the home appliances and the appliances are toggled either ON or OFF on receiving the numeric command. The Arduino sketch looks for the numeric commands from the Bluetooth module and operates relays to switch appliances. Think how cool it would be if you are able to control your AC appliances just with a touch of your Android smartphone.

applications of home automation using bluetooth

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